Laser treatment for acne - is it a perfect treatment?

Laser treatment for acne is one of the method used in the treatment of acne. It can control different types of acne and acne scars. However, it is more effective to control pustules and papules (also known as zits) than cyctic, nodular and non inflammatory acnes. 

  • Laser is a tool that release light through optical amplification process. It works on the bases of stimulating porphyrins, that resides inside the bacteria that cause acne. As soon as the laser released, it damages the wall of bacteria and destroy it. The longer wavelength of laser can also penetrate deep into sebaceous gland and minimise oil production to prevent future acne from forming.
  • Laser treatment for acne is one the most effective and safest methods of treatments of acne. Some studies indicate that laser alone are not 100% effective to control acne unless it is supplemented with other methods. Usually the success rate is in between 40% - 85%.

Facts about acne laser treatment

  • It may help when other conventional treatment methods are not effective.
  • It may not work for everyone.
  • One session is not enough, so you need a serious of treatment once or twice a week for month.
  • It is expensive procedure.
  • Practice good skin care to get best result.
  • It has mild side effects for few hours or days.
  • Consult dermatologist board when you plan laser treatment.


The side effect of this treatment is depends on the type of procedure that a patient considered. Some procedures such as The Smooth-beam laser may have mild redness that stayed for a day or two, whereas, others such as fractionated CO2 and Erbium YAG lasers may cause a considerable swelling and redness. The procedure sometimes is painful for some patients. Under such situations, a dermatologist may use some anesthetic cream to make you comfortable throughout the process.

  • Unlike other conventional treatment methods, laser therapy has mild side effects. The treated parts of skin may be swollen and red, which eventually be disappeared. In order to lessen the side effect, your dermatologist may prescribe cream or medication to minimize swelling and redness.


  • Avoid scratching your skin, since it can cause further irritation.
  • Following your last treatment, stay out of the sun for quite a few weeks, since the treated parts of your skin is prone to sun burn.
  • Choose experienced dermatologist to carry out this procedure as it has an impact in avoiding some of the side effects.

Common types of laser treatment for acne

There are a number of laser therapy used for acne. Some of the commonly used types includes the following:

Pulsed light and heat energy (LHE)

  • Used to treat mild to moderate acne.
  • Comparatively it is a short and pain free procedure.
  • It also kills the bacteria and weakening oil production by penetrating deep into the lower layers of skin.
  • Multiple session may also be required.
  • Has minimal side effects - swelling, redness and peeling.

Blue light

  • kills acne causing bacteria by penetrating the lower layers of skin.
  • It also minimise oil production by weakening the sebaceous glands.
  • In order to get clear skin, Multiple session from 6 - 8 weeks is required.
  • Mild side effect includes redness and swelling.


  •  t is most popular laser treatment for acne.
  • It employs a vacuum-like device to suction dead skin cells and oil from the oil glands and the surface of skin.
  • It kills bacteria and also deactivate oil glands.
  • It is a 20 minute procedure and results have been seen after 3 - 6 sessions.
  • To maintain clear skin, it has to be done every few months.
  • Side effects includes - skin dryness.
  • It is more expensive treatment.

Diode laser 

  • It releases heat at oil glands deep in the skin.
  • It reduce sebum production and stops secretion of oil that clogs pores and cause acne.
  • It doesn't harm the surface of skin
  • It can be painful.
  • Side effects includes redness, swelling and peeling.
› Laser treatment for acne


Pustules, papules , cystic, nodular,  photodynamic therapy, heat treatment

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