Unhealthy Oil And Acne

Unhealthy Oil and Acne - - - Four "Most common But Unhealthy" Oils You Should Never Eat ... If You Need to Cure, Beautify and Revitalize Your Body!

Years ago when food processing first started, it turned into normal practice to modify that which nature offered. Whole, naturally healthy foods that primarily came directly from the farm to the table were substituted by refined, over-processed and chemical filled, mass-produced convenience foods.

Over decades healthy sources of fats were substituted with vegetable oils that were believed to be "better-for-you." We now realize they've done more harm than good.

 The four types of oils you should avoid at all costs:.

1. Cottonseed Oil

Numerous commercially manufactured foods consist of cottonseed oil; everything from canned foods to chips and various packaged products. It is in fact, in drinks such as Gatorade. However, cotton is not a food crop, and is therefore should not be treated as an edible plant but an industrial one.

Basically nearly anything can possibly be sprayed on cotton plants to prevent pests and stimulate development. These chemicals work their way deeper into the plants, virtually changing them into harmful organisms.

While it may be OK for making pants and shirts, cottonseed oil is truly not safe to consume. Most of cotton plants are genetically modified. Although we are not consuming the cotton plant directly, the extracted oil consists of the exact properties as the plant.

2. Canola oil:

Naturally, insects and animals avoid canola oil. Why you shouldn't?

Canola oil is in fact a modified version of rapeseed oil. Most Asian cultures used rapeseed oil for hundreds of years, however, it was really never consumed in the enormous amounts that Northern and Eastern countries do.

The rape plant consists of cyanide-containing substances and wild animals as well as insects avoid it in nature.

The refining procedure of purifying and whitening to become canola oil involves subjecting rapeseed oil to very high heat, that significantly decreases the omega 3 content.

Intake of this particular Oil" has been connected to muscular diseases and fatty degeneration of kidneys, thyroid gland, the heart and adrenals. To avoid it, look at labels carefully.unhealthy oil and acne are very related.

3. Soybean

A number of marketers convince you about the benefits of soybean. They argue that Asian counterparts were consuming soybean regularly for centuries and that makes them to be healthy. However, this is one of the major nutritional myths on the market. The truth is Asians enjoy soy in its fermented state and in significantly smaller amounts compared to most Westerns do.

93% of American soy is GMO and the majority of the soy we eat is in its unfermented state. This highly refined soy has been associated with numerous problems consisting of thyroid injury and hormone interruption due to its large volumes of estrogen-like compounds called phytoestrogens. When it comes to soybean oil, up to 80% of the oil we use today is soybean oil.

It's extremely refined and highly hydrogenated and found in a wide majority of products on grocery store shelves. And do not assume selecting organic soy makes you any better. It's most recommended to stay away from soybean oil totally.

4. Safflower - unhealthy oil and acne

If anyone yet consider that saturated fat and cholesterol are a direct cause of cardiovascular disease then safflower oil most probably seems a healthy swap.

Previous reports had discovered that by substituting animal fats with vegetable oils such as safflower, cholesterol levels would certainly drop. However, what the earlier researches failed to assess was the high proportion of omega-6 to omega-3 fats in such oils and that the quantity of omega-6 fatty acids in the North American diet was expanding astronomically.

Scientists now have proven that it may not be cholesterol that kills, but omega-6's. When a group of people replaced animal fats with omega-6-rich safflower oil, their cholesterol levels reduced, however, the rates of death from heart disease and coronary artery disease increased significantly as compared to individuals eating the animal fats.

Definitely, you have some of these kinds of oils or foods consisting of these oils sitting in your kitchen at the moment. And now you're coming to the unfortunate awareness that you have been lied to by food manufacturing industries.

The reason Why I bring this unhealthy oil and acne topic here is to let the people to understand the concepts of consuming unhealthy oils and its impact on general health. Beside, oily foods are one of the major causes of acne. Avoiding such oils will help us to have a healthy and glamorous skin.

To know which oil type considered healthy, I will advise you to read the book Written by Jake Carney. Click here

› Unhealthy Oil And Acne


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